Please contact Miha Brown,
Touch is for Yrs 1-8.
Teams are made up of mixed ability and gender.
Teams have between 10 and 14 players with at least 2 girls on the field at the same time.
Touch is played during Terms 1 and 4.
Touch is played at Swarbrick Park, Rifle Range Road, Frankton.
Years 1-6:
Games are played on Thursday afternoons beginning at 4.30pm, with the latest game starting at 6.30pm
Younger grade teams generally have earlier start times
Years 7-8:
Games are played on Monday afternoons beginning at 4.30pm, with the latest game starting at 6.30pm
Teams are boys, girls, or mixed
Teams practice one afternoon a week at school. Practice day will be determined by the coach.
Team Requirements:
A parent coach and a parent manager are required for each team.
A referee is also required – the referee can be either the coach or manager.
Black PE shorts, red & black St Peter Chanel sport shirt, appropriate footwear (touch boots or sneakers).
Please note: if appropriate footwear is not worn the player will be asked to leave the field.
Wearing Skins or similar garments is not permitted.
If you do not own a red & black SPC sport shirt, you can purchase one from the School Uniform Shop: $40 new, $10 second-hand.
From $25 per player
Fees are indicative only and will likely change depending on updated association fees and player numbers.
To register your child please click on the following link Sports Registration
Please contact Miha Brown,