St Peter Chanel Catholic School

(07) 849 3734 5 Vardon Rd, Te Rapa, Hamilton 3200


The Religious Education programme teaches knowledge and understanding about matters of faith and religion to grow and deepen our students’ faith. The programme includes: what the Catholic Church believes and teaches, understanding about how the Catholic Church celebrates, lives and prays, and how people can respond freely to God according to their gift of faith. 

As a school we spread and share the Good News – the Gospel of Jesus Christ, this is central to our daily routines with each class starting the day with prayer and Gospel readings. The teachers come together for prayer every day during the morning tea break. All meetings begin and end in prayer.  Masses and liturgies are celebrated regularly and every Friday morning at 9am, the whole school celebrates Mass with Fr Richard, our parish priest.

The Religious Education Curriculum is split into 6 strands and 4 modules as below:

Learning Strands

A Learning Strand is a major area of important knowledge which has been divided into 8 different focuses – one for each of the 8 years of primary schooling. All of the Learning Strands are connected and they are designed to systematically increase the children’s knowledge and skills in Religious Education and help them to develop Christian attitudes.

  • God – “the Father Almighty” Te Atua – Io Matua Kore 

  • Jesus Christ – “his only Son, our Lord” – Hehu Karaiti 

  • The Holy Spirit – “the Lord, the giver of Life” – Te Wairua Tapu 

  • Church – Community of Disciples – Te Wha¯nau a Te Karaiti 

  • Sacrament – Hakarameta 

  • Communion of Saints – Te Kotahitanga o Te Hunga Tapu

Learning Modules

A Learning Module is also an important area of essential knowledge which will be taught in every class, every year. The timing of the teaching of a Learning Module differs from that of the Learning Strands but the expected learning outcomes are similar. 

  • The Liturgical Year – Te Tau Me Ona Ritenga Tapu 

  • Prayer – Te Karakia 

  • Sacramental Celebrations – Nga Ritenga Hakarameta 

  • Myself and Others – Ko Au, Ko Ratou

Families are able to access the Faith Alive Online website which provides a wealth of spiritual knowledge and valuable information to assist families in growing the faith of our children.