St Peter Chanel Catholic School

(07) 849 3734 5 Vardon Rd, Te Rapa, Hamilton 3200


In Year 1

In Year 1 your child will learn about numbers, algebra (symbols), geometry (shapes), measurement and statistics. They will learn to count on their fingers and by using objects. They may start to count in their heads and begin to recognise number patterns like 3+2=5.

After one year of learning maths at school they'll likely be able to:

  • solve maths problems up to 10, then up to 20
  • count forwards and backwards up to 20, then up to 100.
  • know the number before and after any given number
  • explore patterns, shapes and measurement
  • organize and share objects
  • talk about position – eg “I am in front of the tree”, “I am behind you”.
  • ask and answer questions – eg “How many chairs are in the classroom?


In Year 2

In Year 2 your child will learn to solve problems using numbers, algebra (symbols), geometry (shapes), measurement and statistics. They will be counting forwards and backwards in their heads starting from the biggest number, rather than from 1. They may use their fingers to keep track of numbers. Your child will learn to skip count (eg 5, 10, 15, 20) and to work with basic fractions. During your child’s second year at school, most of mathematics teaching time (60–80 per cent) will focus on number learning.

After two years of learning maths at school they'll likely be able to:

  • solve problems using numbers up to 100
  • skip count in 2s, 5s, and 10s, forwards and backwards
  • find ½ and ¼ of simple shapes and sets of objects
  • sort objects into common groups and describe what they have done
  • ask and answer questions and write up what they know
  • give and follow directions
  • measure objects using their hands, feet or a pencil.


In Year 3

In Year 3 your child will be learning to solve realistic problems using their growing understanding of numbers, algebra (symbols), geometry (shapes), measurement and statistics. They will be learning skills like how to break up numbers and move them around without counting, eg 8 + 5 can be more easily worked out by breaking it up into 8+2+3.

After three years of learning maths at school they'll likely be able to:

  • explore patterns in numbers up to 1,000
  • use their basic facts to solve problems
  • talk about fractions when sharing and exploring shapes and quantities
  • organise objects and talk about what’s different and what’s the same
  • create and describe patterns
  • measure objects and time
  • give and follow directions
  • talk about the reasons why an event is likely to happen or not
  • investigate a topic, display and discuss what they have discovered.


In Year 4

In Year 4 your child will continue to learn to solve realistic problems using their growing understanding of numbers, algebra (symbols), geometry (shapes), measurement and statistics. They’ll learn about solving problems by using basic addition, subtraction and simple multiplication facts.

After four years of learning maths at school they'll likely be able to:

  • work with numbers up to 1,000
  • use their knowledge of 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10 times tables to solve problems
  • find fractions of sets, shapes and quantities
  • make and continue patterns and explain the rule for the pattern
  • sort objects and describe how they have been grouped (eg shape and size)
  • choose how you can best measure length, area, volume, capacity, weight, temperature and time
  • use simple maps to show position and direction
  • talk about events that will or will not happen
  • make up questions to investigate then graph and discuss their findings.


In Year 5

In Year 5 your child will be learning to solve realistic problems using their growing understanding of numbers, algebra (symbols), geometry (shapes), measurement and statistics. They will be solving problems involving several steps, including choosing the best method. They will be learning that there are often several ways that a problem can be solved.

After five years of learning maths at school they'll likely be able to:

  • choose an appropriate method to solve problems (using +, – , x , ÷) and clearly explain their methods to other people
  • use their known basic facts to work out unknown facts and to find fractions of sets, shapes and quantities
  • sort 2D and 3D shapes and justify how they have been grouped
  • use grid references on maps and points of the compass to describe the location of objects
  • measure the size and capacity of objects
  • explore the concept of chance by listing all of the possible outcomes
  • investigate questions, show the information and discuss the data.


In Year 6

In Year 6 your child will continue to learn to solve realistic problems using their growing understanding of numbers, algebra (symbols), geometry (shapes), measurement and statistics. They’ll be solving problems involving several steps and which require them to choose the most appropriate method. They will be learning a range of approaches to solve problems and will be able to make general statements about numbers and patterns.

After six years of learning maths at school they'll likely be able to:

  • solve problems (using +, – , x , ÷) that require them to choose the best method
  • use repeated halving or known multiplication facts to solve problems involving fractions
  • find the value of a given number in a pattern
  • sort, create and identify 2D and 3D shapes
  • measure time and find the area and volume of objects
  • use grid references on maps and points of the compass to give directions
  • draw objects from different view points
  • explain results of investigations by identifying patterns
  • experiment to work out the likelihood of an event happening.


In Year 7

In Year 7 your child will continue to learn to solve realistic problems using their growing understanding of numbers, algebra (symbols), geometry (shapes), measurement and statistics. They’ll be solving problems using multiplication and division that use decimals, fractions and percentages. They will have a range of thinking strategies to help them investigate mathematics.

After seven years of learning maths at school they'll likely be able to:

  • solve problems involving decimals, using addition and subtraction
  • use a range of multiplication methods to solve problems using whole numbers and fractions
  • investigate and justify mathematical rules to see if they are always true
  • create tables, graphs and rules for repeating patterns
  • sort 2D and 3D shapes and discuss their similarities and differences
  • measure time and objects using standard measures
  • find perimeters, areas and volumes of shapes
  • identify and describe how objects have been moved within patterns
  • use grid references, simple scales, and points of the compass to describe a given location
  • investigate, sort and display information in different ways and identify patterns and variations in the information
  • explore probability through experimenting and comparing actual results with expected results.


In Year 8

In Year 8 your child will continue to learn to solve realistic problems using their growing understanding of numbers, algebra (symbols), geometry (shapes), measurement and statistics. They’ll be able to use multiplication strategies to solve problems using fractions, decimals and percentages. They will be able explain different ways to solve problems and will have a range of thinking strategies to help them to investigate mathematics.

After eight years of learning maths at school they'll likely be able to:

  • solve problems with decimals and integers using addition and subtraction
  • use a range of multiplication methods to solve problems with whole numbers and fractions
  • create and use tables, graphs and rules to show linear and non-linear relationships
  • measure objects and make simple conversions between units of measure
  • find perimeters and areas of rectangles, parallelograms, triangles and volumes of cuboids
  • explore transformation and discuss how shapes and patterns change after a transformation
  • describe locations and give directions
  • use scales, bearings and co-ordinates
  • gather and use data that gives several pieces of information (eg age and size)
  • sort data and display in different ways, and discuss patterns and trends
  • use fractions to discuss the likelihoods of outcomes involving chance.