Cooking/baking (measuring and weighing, introducing fractions)
Ask questions about time and practise reading analogue clocks e.g. What is the time? How many minutes until dinner?
Create practical problems at home to solve such as building something and working out the space (area) needed to put it.
Practise basic facts including addition, subtraction and times tables using cards, songs or computer games such as , or continue with the online maths tool already used in the Middle School
Write an email or letter to send to a relative together
Encourage your child to keep a journal of ideas, collect things in it, write down interesting topics or words or record a recent trip
Let your child see you be a writer and that you write for many different purposes - letters, work assignments, emails etc.
Provide a range of reading materials around the house such as magazines, newspapers, picture books, novels, encyclopedias, comics and cookbooks.
Play games like Scrabble, Bananagrams, Boggle, word finders or crosswords to encourage learning about vocabulary